Present Matter, a laboratory where we explore different possibilities of art forms, whether it be dance, poetry, creative video, installation or documentary. It is also a french production house, found by Taiwanese producer Zhi-Jin TSAI and artist Florent THIOLLIER. Its objective is to create, support local artists as well as people who live inbetween varied cultures and countries in different continents such as Asia and Europe. Long time partners include Taiwanese directors such as Hsin-Yao HUANG (The Great Buddha +, 2017, A Silent Gaze, 2022), French-Taiwanese artist Hai-Wen HSU (Siamoise, 2018, La Nuit Déborde, 2019) whose works were produced by Le Fresnoy - Studio National des Arts contemporains. It is currently working on two projects : a dance-performance project created by collectif Forme Ose with French-Taiwanese choreographer Hui-Chen CHEN based in Paris ; a three channel installation created by Zhi-Jin TSAI and Hsin-Yao HUANG. We believe that present matters and present is also matter.

Present Matter also handles executive production in France and nearby European countries. It works with Taiwan Public Television, Centre Culturel de Taïwan à Paris as well as international productions in Asia : China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. Its recent executive production projects include award winning director TSAI Ming-Liang’s new feature film Walker (co-produced with Centre Pompidou) in 2022.

We are currently renewing our website.

Contact :

Present Matter是一個探索各種藝術形式包含舞蹈、詩歌、影像、裝置或紀錄片的實驗平台,它同時也是電影製作人蔡之今在法國創立的製片公司,透過平台支持法國在地藝術家以及跨文化、歐亞大陸經驗的藝術家創作以及製作。長期合作的藝術家包含黃信堯(《 大佛普拉斯 》 2019、《 北將七 》 2022),許海文(《孿生》2018、《夜滿》2019)。近期製作的作品包含編舞家/舞者陳慧真的巴黎舞團Forme Ose的集體創作舞蹈-行為作品《演化》,以及蔡之今與黃信堯導演共同創作的三頻道錄像作品 《 腦中風景 - 北將七 》。

Present Matter 由法國人和華人的影視專業人才組成,提供法國代拍與協拍: 負責場勘、申請拍攝許可,組織地方團隊、攝錄器材與片廠租借、採訪田調等相關攝製服務。服務影片內容多元,包含: 巴黎時尚街拍、活動影像紀錄、紀錄片、新聞報導、創意行銷短片等。近期協拍案包含國際知名導演蔡明亮的最新長片:第九部《行者》(巴黎龐畢度中心合製計畫)。

